Monday, October 24, 2011

Today's CW exercise - Triolet

I have not blogged in a long while and I need to make a more concerted effort to write more instead of working. I keep debating whether or not I should post my thoughts on surviving thyroid cancer and adjusting to all that that entails (my meds seem to affect me, or rather, when I forget to take them, my students notice a difference). I seem to start many entries and then I don't finish them because I dwell too much on life. So, here's to starting small... and anew...

Luckily, I have the opportunity to teach creative writing once again this year, for the first time in three years. It's been a bit of a struggle, since the students that were placed in the class didn't originally "elect" to take this elective. I appreciate all the students who have remained because they have found value in what I'm trying to teach them. I just need to continue to work with them to learn how to constructively critique each other.

Today's class exercise is to write a Triolet, a French form...
and as with most things I've been writing, one theme dominates my hand...


Cancer provided a huge wake up call

Reminding me I still have much to do.

The doctors try their best to stall

Cancer. Provided a huge wake up call,

By showing me the writing on the wall.

The sickness is gone, I must start anew

Cancer provided a huge wake up call

Reminding me I still have much to do.


Illness makes the world seem right

For your soul is purged of wrong.

The blood flows with new cells white

Illness makes the world seem right

Though your body frail and light

Your heart continues to beat strong

Illness makes the world seem right,

For your soul is purged of wrong.


Schools celebrate red ribbon week

To remind us to steer clear of drugs

For they damage the strong and meek

Schools celebrate red ribbon week

To spite the temptation many seek

And avoid the accidental wayward slugs

Schools celebrate red ribbon week

To remind us to steer clear of drugs.

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