Saturday, January 26, 2008

Food Phan

I spent some of the Christmas holidays with my friends Chrissa & Johnny Phan. Now I curse you Johnny for getting me hooked onto Bizarre Foods/Andrew Zimmern... my frickin DVR is filled with episodes that I have barely anytime to watch... but late at night when I'm trying to grade I put on an episode to discover my newest guilty pleasure... just another reason to procrastinate...

Other good news:

El Camino received a check for $500 in the Tanforan contest. Thanks for shopping at the mall. Please continue to shop there and put your receipts into the locker by Sears or BJ's/Barnes & Noble. We are still in 5th place and need your help to win the $10,000 grand prize.

I know it may be an inconvenience to shop there, but I'm slowly changing my habits by eating at BJ's way too often or going to that food court or Target instead of other places.

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