Saturday, June 24, 2006

medical daze

so i'm dedicating this summer to finally addressing a few health issues...

most of you know that i'm screwed with severe tendonitis in both heels and the remedy is to rest it... however, i have severe varicose veins and the best course of action is doing something active or cardio like which usually causes the heels to burn even further...

so last thursday i went to Kaiser
i had to get blood drawn... and this frickin' 13 year old was howling like the Exorcist in a private room. everyone could hear her from the waiting room. it was putting everyone on edge. the first person couldn't find my vein at all. he ended up twisting the needle around and caused me great pain... i know my veins are deep already but damn it that hurts. the second person had much more success and used the butterfly needle to quickly draw enough for two tubes...

then, i got my new pairs of compression socks. $70 a pair to wear stylish black pantyhose... now nude colored like the ones i wore in high school. i haven't had to wear them in 15 years but gravity and extra weight take their toll, not to mention i usually stand all day at work...

after a brief respite from having to fast for the blood tests i proceeded to the eye doctor that raven recommended. wow, they did a battery of tests that i had never done for my eyes before. dr. lum even threw in advice for what i need to look for in my students' vision because he says that too many of them come to him too late...

the surprising result of the 90 minute appointment was the fact that my eyes were better than they were 6 years ago... my previous pair of glasses were giving me a headache because they were too strong now... who'd a thunk it

i have this horrible fear of anything touching my eyes, including water... so when dr. lum suddenly put drops in my eyes to dilate them i almost freaked out, especially when i couldn't see the figures they were showing me for the new pair of glasses and sunglasses i wanted...

so the cost of staying healthy so far this year
blood pressure medicine $5 a bottle
pretty black knee high hosiery $140
glasses $600+ and insurance paid for $400 of the regular pair

that pretty much went beyond what remained from my coaching salary... but it is the best investment for me.... now if only i could finagle my way into real estate...

the next question is whether or not i'll be able to hold up for tomorrow's softball playoff game...

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