Warning: graphic pics of how my body rebelled
Apparently, 2007 is the year my body has declared war over my mind and spirit. The body is winning.Warning don't proceed if you don't like disgusting pictures of my leg, such as the ones I've posted before.
Also, this blog won't be long because i'm suffering right now just typing this.
January 31
I pass the damn kidney stone during my prep period at work.
This was a relief because it was a crazy week as I tried to juggle coaching, talent show rehearsals, and teaching.
I literally was making the track throwers do drills on the grass in front of the theater, while discussing with my treasurer how to check the errors in the pepsi bill.
I come home this night and the refrigerator is broken (still isn't fixed)
Feb 2
Ahhh Talent Show... another story in and of itself
more fighting with parents who couldn't get in because of the sellout
Feb. 3
yet my groin was hurting... i thought it was just sore from track drills
Feb. 4
a huge bump grows on my leg... painful but tolerable
Feb. 5
go to work
way too much pain... it intensifies the more I stand
i call for an appointment to Kaiser during 1st period
the doctor takes one looks
sees the redness
and tells me that he is going to admit me into the hospital
i just thought i was going to get some pain relief for the infection
nope... i'm there until Feb. 8
maybe there'll be more details later
but here's what happened
a vein in my leg burst
it happens to be directly in the same spot in the leg where i was hit by a softball in the playoff game last year
the pain in my groin was actually a lymph node warning me that the area was also now infected
while at the hospital, I am also diagnosed as having Type II diabetes
here's what my leg looked like when i got home.... so this is after 4 days
i couldn't even have a blanket covering the area for it was so sensitive
this is on satuday. you can see the pus building because the white blood cells are fighting the damn infection
oh, yeah, this whole time i can't walk
i can't really do anything for myself and that sucks how much you take certain things in life for granted
here's sunday
the darker red area in the center kind of to the right and above the gleam is blood pooling
it later looked like a huge sac
it becomes so saturated under my skin that it starts to force its way out through follicles
my mother drains it and it fills up again in about 2 hours
it was probably a teacup full of blood
it was drained four times
i'm thankful it's exiting that way and not clotting underneath the skin
doctors told me not to go into work all this week... during rent-a-senior
so my body took the initiative and gave me some time off
more details when i have less pain